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We require helmets to be worn on ALL rides!
Scroll down to read KABC Guidelines for safety and Ride Etiquette
Cycling in a group is challenging and requires all riders to adhere to certain rules for the safety and enjoyment of all. Group riding also requires skills that may take some practice. With this in mind, the following list of safety and ride etiquette rules are provided to assure you have a safe and enjoyable ride.
1) Ride predictably: This involves every aspect of riding from changing positions in the group to following traffic rules.
2) Be alert and aware of your surroundings: Look up and ahead, not at the rear wheel of the bike in front of you. This will allow you to see things that are developing in front of the group. Do not use your hand-held smart phone for pictures, videos or calls while riding.
3) Be visible: Wear bright colors during the day and reflective clothing at night. Always use running lights (front & back).
4) Ride like a vehicle when on the road: Cyclists are considered motorists when on roadways and must obey all rules of the road (e.g., traffic lights, stop signs, lane markings, etc.). Maneuver as a vehicle for lane changes, traffic circles, turns, intersections, etc. Scan, signal, scan, then move when safe.
SC Bike law summary:
5) Make eye contact: Make eye contact with motorists at intersections and driveways before proceeding. When crossing roadways with two lanes moving in same direction, make eye contact with the motorists in both lanes. If in doubt stop!
6) Maintain group integrity: Remain tightly in group when at intersections that are controlled by traffic lights or stop signs. Double-up and take control of the lane intended for the direction of travel. Proceed through the intersection as a group quickly and safely.
7) Ride single file on busy roads and on pathways.
8) Move and stop with the group for safety: Move the group to a safe place on the side of the road if a significant number of motorists are unable to pass and allow them to pass.
9) Do NOT say “clear”: Do not use the word “Clear” at intersections. Each cyclist is responsible for determining that the way is clear by looking both ways before proceeding.
10) Behave like a pedestrian: When on pathways, use marked crosswalks, follow pedestrian signals, look both ways, etc. Vehicles have the right of way but must yield to pedestrians in marked crosswalks.
11) Report pathway debris: Report glass and unsafe conditions on HHI to the Town’s Pathway Hotline at 843-342-4580. Be specific to location and issue.
12) Be vocal: Enunciate loudly and clearly when approaching intersections, slowing, stopping, or turning. All actions should be smooth and deliberate. Give hand signals and vocal commands for Right Turn, Left Turn, Slowing and Stopping.
13) Give vocal commands: Alert other riders loudly and clearly for situations such as, Car Back, Car Passing, Car Up, Bikers Up, Pedestrian Up, Runners Up. Pass it up/down the line of riders.
14) Warn cyclists: Alert other riders loudly and clearly of any hazards, e.g., glass, potholes, RR tracks, sewer gratings, sand, dogs, etc. Also be aware that wet road markings can be slippery.
15) Ride steady: With regard to both speed and travel direction, maintain a speed that is appropriate for the group and road/pathway conditions. Avoid stopping, turning or accelerating abruptly.
16) Pass cyclists and pedestrians on the left: Call out "On Your Left!" Do not pass on the right.
17) Relinquish your position safely: Relinquish your position in the group by maintaining your cadence, scanning, signaling your intention, moving to the left slightly, allowing the rider behind to move up then drifting back. Scan behind and to the side before changing position.
18) Leave an appropriate space: Leave a (bike length) between you and the cyclist in front of you. KABC discourages pace lines (i.e., faster speeds with close spacing).
19) Wait for slower riders at convenient stopping points:
Groups get separated when faster riders pull away for a short period or when some riders are left behind at an intersection. Allow the slower riders to hydrate and rest, if necessary, before continuing.
20) Give Emergency Signals: Give vocal and/or hand signals, if possible, to alert the group to any emergency, ( e.g., flat tire, mechanical problem, etc.) Scan behind and to the side before pulling over and stopping. Move completely off the road or pathway.
21) Use a rearview mirror: Be aware of the riders/problems behind you, especially if you are a ride leader. Mirrors should not be used to verify that it is clear for a rider to move left or right; turn your head and scan the area first.
22) Safely Leave the group: Inform the ride leader if you intend to leave the group (e.g., speed ahead) and designate a rendezvous point.
23) Have a Cue Sheet: Pull up copy of the appropriate map and/or cue sheet for the ride on your smart phone or print hard copy for use.
Please visit for tips and videos on safe riding.
Safety Tips - below, an excerpt from Bicycling Magazine:
Stay Safe in Traffic
Continue below to learn about tips and techniques that will help you thrive on any road.
By Alex Stieda
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