All KABC rides are for Members Only, unless otherwise indicated. We welcome new members at any time. Please go to the Membership page for information and access to the Membership Application Form.

What group do I belong in?
KABC rides are organized by groups, with each group having a preferred ride distance and “Pace Speed”. Pace Speed is just the speed at which the group rides on flat ground with little wind for an extended period of time. Put another way, it’s the speed that a rider needs to be able to maintain to keep up with the group. See table below for KABC's ride groups pace and distance.
All KABC rides will have a designated Ride Leader who is responsible for executing the ride from start to finish. All rides are 'No Drop' rides. If a rider does drop off the back, the group may ride on to find a safe place to pull off and re-group. If a rider continues to fall off, the ride leader may break the group up into two groups and provide rider(s) to assist the slower rider back to the start.
The B groups (B-1, B-2 & B-3) ride in a paceline. These groups ride at a faster pace for longer distances and are comfortable moving their bikes in and around the pacelines. Depending on ride participation and conditions, the groups may merge and ride at an agreed upon pace and distance. Riders with little or no paceline experience should start with the B-3 group to get comfortable with this cycling practice. These groups ride predominantly on roads with the exception of some bike paths on Hilton Head Island and in the Bluffton area.
The C+, C, and Social groups will have a ride leader that leads the entire ride. The C+ group ride predominantly on roads with the exception of some bike paths on Hilton Head Island and in the Bluffton area. The C and Social groups make more use of bike paths and rides through local communities. Some road riding may be included. On occasion, rides will be off-road (trails and/or beach) and require wide tire bikes.
If you are a new rider to KABC, we recommend you ride a level down for your first ride then assess what your preferred group might be.
For riders that may be looking to move between groups (or move between the B groups), we offer a “ride buddy” program. A rider can request a ride buddy for a ride from the group coordinator when they register for that week’s ride. They will then be assigned a rider in that higher group to ride with them that week to answer any questions, and ensure that they are not left alone during the ride.
Seeking more information or have questions, please Click Here for our Contact Us page. Complete the form with Ride Information interest.

Helmets required on all rides. Riders will agree to the Liability Waiver and the Ride and Safety Etiquette Guidelines each time they register.
Click Here to access the KABC Safety and Ride Etiquette Guidelines Document.
You must be 18 or older to be a member and participate in KABC rides.
Class 1 Pedal Assist two-wheeled bicycles are allowed on all KABC rides. Class 2 and 3 E-Bikes are not allowed. Please refer to the KABC eBike policy for specific guidelines.
Click Here to read the e-Bike policy.
(From the National Council of State Legislatures)
Class 1 electric bicycle
A bicycle equipped with a motor that provides assistance only when the rider is pedaling, and that ceases to provide assistance when the bicycle reaches the speed of 20 miles per hour.
(South Carolina Bike Law from the Palmetto Cycling Coalition)
SECTION 56-1-10 (29) This section defines an e-bike.
Electric-assist bicycles" and "bicycles with helper motors" means low-speed electrically assisted bicycles with two or three wheels, each having fully operable pedals and an electric motor of no more than 750 watts, or one horsepower, and a top motor-powered speed of less than 20 miles an hour when operated by a rider weighing 175 pounds on a paved level surface, that meet the requirements of the Federal Consumer Product Code provided in 16 C.F.R., Part 1512, and that operate in a manner such that the electric motor disengages or ceases to function when their brakes are applied or the rider stops pedaling. Manufacturers and distributors of electric-assist bicycles shall apply a label that is affixed permanently, in a prominent location, to each electric-assist bicycle, indicating its wattage and maximum electrically assisted speed. The owner or user of an electric-assist bicycle shall not remove or tamper with the label. If a user tampers with or modifies an electric-assist bicycle, changing the speed capability, he must replace the label indicating the vehicle's wattage or horsepower.
When the weather looks bad, the Ride Director will consult with the Ride Coordinators that morning. If we decide to cancel the ride, we will send out a ride cancellation text to registered riders and post the cancellation of the Ride Schedule Page approximately 90 minutes before the ride start. If there is no text or website post, the ride is on.